Vinoba Bhave:(1895-1982):
At Vinobaji 's inspiration Bramha Vidya-Mandir was founded in 1959 to offer to women the possibility of a deeply contemplative life over-flowing in fruitful activities for the good of society. During this time, Vinobaji was on his Bhoodan walking tour. So in the first five years, the inmates of the Ashram obtain his guidaaance only through correspondence. During his tour in Maharashtra in 1964,he stayed at Pauner nearly for one year and modeled the inner and outward life here from close quarters. Later on, from 1970, he spent the last 12 years of his life in this Ashram observing Kshetra-Sanyas (confining himself in the Ashram precincts) and Sookshma- Karma yoga-( the subtle philosophy of action). His holy presence strengthened the basic foundation of Ashram. Brahmavidya- Mandir has some 36 dedicated aspirants- 31 sisters and 4 brothers from different parts of India and abroad, deligently committed to Samuhik Sadhana-(collective spiritual devotion for the Realisation of the self.) For practical purposes, the pillars of this collective Sadhana and Brahmacharya(celibacy). Unanimous decision- making and productive manual labour. Observance of Brahmacharya by women is the induction of spiritual awakening. Love , service and sacrifice are the natural vartues of women. These up have to be developed and in their light has to be explored and opened the way for giving a shape to a Non-violent Society. Collective spiritual Sadhana is the repeated them of Brahmavidya-Mandir. In short, it means the surrounding of all one's capacity at the feet of the Lord, abiding in the group and the inter-union of all aspirants like different organs of the body. Unanimous decision making is one of the means to achieve this aim. There is no single administrator or manager in the Ashram. All the activities and arrangements are carried on according to the decision taken by the group unanimously. Vinobaji's one original contribution to Indian spiritual philosophy is that Brahmavidya should be self-supporting; for which purpose, the aspirants engage themselves in some sort of productive manual labour. This paves the way to observe voluntary poverty. It also indicates the way for the eradication of disparity from the society. The inmates have, therefore, gladly bound themselves to a six- hour labour-programme per day. They cultivate the land in the Ashram precincts, spin on the wheel and work in the press to make themselves self-reliant as for as possible. The rest of the day is spent on the studies, group discussions, meditation etc. Physical and mental level are coincide equal from status and economic point of view. The sisters publish a monthly journal 'Maitri' (Friendship), giving news and views about the life-experiments based on Spirituality and Science. It is the mouth- piece of the of Ashram and is one of the media for maintaining contact with the world outside. With a view to explore the possibilities of new energy sources, a gobar-(cow-dung) gas-plant along with Goshala (dairy) has been erected here. For devotional propitiation, the group prays together thrice a day. The dawn is opened with the ishawasya Upanishad, the mid-day vibrates with Vishnu-sahasranama (the thousand names of god) and the evening departs with a ring of the ' Man of perfect equanimity as described in the Gita. God's oft repeated Names from all major religions of the world and from all major sects of India are recited as Sarva-Dharma-Parthana. The core group of these Sisters, thus engaged in acquiring spiritual strength, humbly tends to become an example of a community life rooted in Love, a power- house for the Stree-Shaktie (women's power) Movement. Thus the life in Brahmavidya-Mandir is the fusion of the three currents of Sadhana viz. Karma, Guyana and Bhakti (Action, knowledge and devotion), a trio necessary to satisfy the basic needs of body and mind. |
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